Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
"Igniting progress: SIOP’s role in advocating DEI policy change" co-authored with Becky Harmata, Nohelia Argote and Reggie Romain (Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2024). PDF
"How virtual are we? Introducing the team perceived virtuality scale" co-authored with Lisa Handke and Patricia Costa (Journal of Business and Psychology, 2024). PDF
"Challenging assumptions: Gender, peer evaluations, and the broken rung in leadership trajectories" co-authored with Saskia Shirley (Merits, 2024). PDF
"Team membership change events: Processes that support gender diverse teams" co-authored with Alicia Davis, Reggie Romain, and Fabrice Delice (Small Group Research, 2023). PDF
"Performing in diverse settings: A diversity, equity, and inclusion approach to culture" co-authored with Spencer Hagenbuch, Bansi Patel, and Alicia Davis (International Journal of Cross-Cultural Performance, 2022). PDF
"Insights From the Virtual Team Science: Rapid Deployment During COVID-19" co-authored with Molly Kilcullen and Ed Salas (Human Factors, 2022) PDF
"The brighter side effects: Identification and attainment" co-authored with Nishka Khoobchandani, Shania Sharma, and Alicia Davis (Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2022). PDF
"Team belonging: Integrating teamwork and diversity training through emotions" co-authored with Alicia Davis, Adrienne Kafka, and Gloria González-Morales (Small Group Research, 2022). PDF
"Pandemic meets race: An added layer of complexity" co-authored with Adrienne Kafka, Amanda Avery, Katherine Almendarez, Teslin Ishee, Leyna Hong, Lilian Rangel, and Alicia Davis (Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2021). PDF
"Developing team trust: Leader insights for virtual settings." co-authored with Julie Dinh, Denise Reyes, Luke Kayga, Chapman Lindgren, and Ed Salas (Organizational Dynamics, 2021) PDF
"Cross-cultural perspectives on collaboration: Differences between the Middle East and the United States." co-authored with Becky Grossman, Martiza Salazar Campo, and Ed Salas (Journal of Business Research, 2021) PDF
"Measuring team trust: A critical and meta-analytical review." co-authored with Becky Grossman, Billy Kramer, and Ed Salas (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2020) PDF
"Publish or perish, but what about practice?" co-authored with Ally Davis, Sofia Van Sickle, and Saskia Shirley (Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2020). PDF
"Today's virtual teams: Adapting lessons learned to the pandemic context." co-authored with Ed Salas (Organizational Dynamics, 2020) PDF
"Political skills across healthcare leaders: A longitudinal study." co-authored with Dana Verhoeven, Marissa Shuffler, and Chip Wiper III (Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 2020) PDF
"Advancing teams research: What, when, and how to measure team dynamics over time." co-authored with Fabrice Delice and Moira Rousseau (Frontiers in Psychology, 2019) PDF
"Debunking key assumptions about teams: The role of culture." co-authored with Becky Grossman and Maritza Salazar (American Psychologist, 2018) PDF
"Team trust over time: Modeling reciprocal and contextual influences in action teams." co-authored with Becky Grossman (Human Resource Management Review, 2018) PDF
"Ethnic identity measurement: Examining its validity and reliability." co-authored with Christina Lacerenza, Dana Joseph, and Ed Salas (Psychological Assessment, 2017) PDF
"The world is not flat: Examining the interactive multidimensionality of culture and virtuality in teams." co-authored with Billy Kramer and Marissa Shuffler (Human Resource Management Review, 2017) PDF
"Diversity and team creativity: Exploring underlying mechanisms." co-authored with Maritza Salazar and Ed Salas (Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2017) PDF
"Decision making on the labor and delivery unit: An investigation of influencing factors." co-authored with Megan Gregory, Shirley Sonesh, Lauren Benishek, Ashley Hughes, and Ed Salas (Human Factors, 2017) PDF
"Taking qualitative methods a step further to teams science." co-authored with Lorena Solis, Theresa Aristomene, and Ebony Smith (Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2016) PDF
"Crowdsourcing survey methods and measurement equivalence: A caveat about countries whose primary language is not English." co-authored with Dana Joseph and Dan Newman (Personality and Individual Differences, 2015) PDF
"External validity and multi-organization samples: Levels of analysis implications of crowdsourcing and college student samples." co-authored with Dan Newman and Dana Joseph (Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2015) PDF
"Team training in obstetrics: A multi-level evaluation." co-authored with Shirley Sonesh, Megan Gregory, Ashley Hughes, Lauren Benishek, Dana Verhoeven, Maritza Salazar, Brady Patzer, Laura Gonzalez, and Ed Salas (Families, Systems, & Health, 2015) PDF
"Expatriate adjustment: Considerations for selection and training." co-authored with Christine Kreutzer, Angela Kramperth, Billy Kramer, and Ed Salas (Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 2014) PDF
"Social identity: Clarifying its dimensions across cultures." co-authored with Maritza Salazar and Ed Salas (Psychological Topics, 2012) *Reprinted in: Individuals and Society. Guillermo Grenier, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2014* PDF
"Integrating the fields of diversity and culture: A focus on social identity." co-authored with Becky Grossman, Chris Coultas, Maritza Salazar, and Ed Salas (Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2012) PDF
Book Chapters, Reports, & Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
"Mindfulness in Teams" co-authored with Gavi Rojas and M. Gloria González-Morales (Stress and Well-Being in Teams, 2024)
"Development and validation of the team perceived virtuality scale" co-authored with Lisa Handke and Patricia Costa (Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024).
"Bouncing back as a virtual team: Essential elements of virtual team resilience" co-authored with Nohelia Argote, Chloe Darlington, and Ed Salas (Handbook of Virtual Work, 2023)
"Understanding trust in Virtual Work Teams" co-authored with Angie Benda, Billy Kramer, and Ed Salas (Handbook of Virtual Work, 2023)
"Toward an understanding of training requirements for multicultural teams in long-duration spaceflight" co-authored with C. Shawn Burke and Justine Moavero (Psychology and Human Performance in Space Programs, 2020)
"Developing an effective diversity training intervention: Best practices and challenges." co-authored Preeya Ninan and Fabrice Delice (Advancing Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice through Human Systems Engineering, 2019)
"Teamwork: Education and training in healthcare." co-authored with Adrian Fonseca (Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation - Inter-Professional Team Training and Simulation, 2019)
"IWO Psychology in Latin America." co-authored with Ed Salas and Jairo Borges-Andrade (Handbook of Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology, 2018)
"I-O Psychology education and training: Moving beyond boundaries through a global outreach." co-authored with Marissa Shuffler and Joe Allen (at The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 2017)
"The influence of culture on team dynamics." co-authored with Lorena Solis and Becky Grossman (Research on Managing Groups and Teams, 2017).
"Measuring collaboration in cross-cultural contexts." co-authored with Shawn Burke and Michelle Gelfand (Innovative Assessment of Collaboration, 2017)
"Training for Expatriate." co-authored with Ed Salas (International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, 2017)
"Team culture issues for long-duration exploration missions (No. TM - 2015 - 218587)." co-authored with C. Shawn Burke (Johnson Space Center: NASA, 2015).
"The unpacking of team models in GIFT." co-authored with C. Shawn Burke and Ed Salas (Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Generalized Intelligence Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) Users Symposium, 2015)
"Ethnic identity: Measurement equivalence studies across ethnicities and time." co-authored with Deeja Cruz, Christina Lacerenza, Lindsey Moynihan, and Ed Salas (Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014)
"Expatriate adjustment: Considerations for selection and training." co-authored with Christine Kreutzer, Angela Kramperth, Billy Kramer, and Ed Salas (Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014)
"Collaboration and conflict in work teams." co-authored with Ed Salas, Maritza Salazar, and Billy Kramer (Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture: An Integrated Perspective on Research and Practice, 2014)
"Decision making in work teams: The role of voice." co-authored with Jackie Spencer and Ed Salas (Voice and Whistleblowing in Organisations, 2013)
"Designing, delivering, and evaluating team training in organizations: Principles that work." co-authored with Megan Gregory, Tripp Driskell, Ed Salas, and William Vessey (Developing and Enhancing High-Performance Teams: Evidence-Based Practices and Advice, 2012)
"The theoretical drivers, models, & competencies of team performance for patient safety." co-authored with Sallie Weaver, Ed Salas, Rhea Seddon, and John Vozenilek (Improving Patient Safety through Teamwork and Team Training, 2012)